DAD – The most misunderstood villain but an unsung HERO

FATHER, an unsung hero and a misunderstood villain:

Being a father is like walking on a tight rope between two poles. Father is a symbol of strength like a foundation upon which a house is built upon. We only see the elevation of the garden and the flowers on the front, the beautiful interiors, the cozy bedrooms, etc.

The foundations stand strong amidst all disasters… The ground beneath ( siblings, immediate family ) may give up, the soil around the foundation can turn its enemy, but the foundation remains solid to keep the house afloat.

A foundation has no feelings, it cannot be decorated It only knows how to do the job that is your “FATHER”. who can never show emotions, and can only keep a poker’s face and do the job. just a father’s job. We believe that only thing dads pass on is their surname. Dads just have to be there. Even if they say nothing, their actions speak louder than words. Society treats the father as mere accessory. Rituals are planned to celebrate the mother’s seventh month but no one asks dads how scared they are of the additional responsibility they are going to have after a child’s birth.

A foundation can never show pride even though the house is beaming and flaunts its beauty. Likewise, a father will never risk showing pride when his kids grow up into wonderful human beings. He dosesn’t want his grown up kids to become self-satisfied.

“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new” Despite everything, Dads are not just under-rated but also severely misunderstood.

Fathers make house, homes. Dads complete the family. We see their role only as provider. People, the man is not an ATM machine. He has a job. Problem is some dads’ mindset. If you wouldn’t do it for free, don’t do it for money. They delegate the dad-job to others and undermine its importance. Married men must remember that nobody notices what they do until they don’t do it. Nobody knows the worth of a person unless or until a vacuum forms permanently in place of him. Every once in a while, they must give their families a reality check. Appreciate and celebrate what we have at our hands instead of emoting in front of their photo frames after their death.

Kudos to all fathers and father-like figures! 

– Manimozhi Ilango

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