Modern Technology’s Impact on Society and Culture

Technology over Culture

Society has always been impacted by technology. Each invention has affected how people relate to one another and how cultures have expanded or ended. Technology impacts how cities grow, where people live, and who owns what. Technologies are the reason a few people are very rich, that people are more social, and that teaching and learning is changing. We are at a crucial time in history

Technology is changing every aspect of our lives. The benefits provided by new digital approaches are having a huge impact on our societies. However, one of the greatest challenges is not about the devices, software or solutions – it is about how we manage the process of cultural change.

The human touch 

We humans are social animals. Technology can’t replace human interaction. We need to combine the human and digital elements to communicate across our borders.

Culture – A brief Understanding

First let us understand what is culture..

Culture is the collective mind make-up of people; Because of which:
1•We have standard set of protocols.
2• We call something acceptable and something unacceptable.
2• We value something above another thing
3• We speak forms of same language
4• We have traditional forms of dances, art forms and festivals.
5• We evolve around a family and social structure.
6• Culture affects each & every aspect of lives including the way we transact Socially or Personally.

Prevalent technology does affect the constantly evolving culture which is the collective mind make-up of people.

If we DON’T MASTER technologies, foreign technologies will most certainly ENSLAVE us.

Few Negative Impacts from the people’s perspective:

Now let us see what all technologies have affected the above aspects of Indians. Point by point.

1• We are valuing mobile handsets etc well above real people. Social Media has become means of Social & anti-social transactions. Messaging Apps, Cheaper laptops and Softwares are helping people greatly in their jobs and businesses.
2• English has become much more pervasive in India
3• Large number of people are learning and preforming 
. •~various forms of western dances quite well due to incentivisation over digital TV technology.
. •~Various forms of printing & 3D printing art is becoming common.
. •~Valentines day , Friendship day New-Years day are being celebrated with great pomp & show
4• Flat or Apartment system of living has changed the social structure of India quite a bit.

Infact each and every aspect of life has changed dramatically due all pervasive modern technologies.

But, On the other side, India has shown that technology is useful to people. But in other countries people are useful to create and maintain technology.

Hope this article gives a brief understanding about how technology
is changing the way people interact, work, and learn in our daily lives

Thank you for reading…hope this article was interesting…!!!:):):)

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