A Wifey Material👩‍👦‍👦

Marriage Stock Exchange💯

At Marriage Market, Wives need to exhibit a typic behaviourism because of this exceptional behaviors, they qualify for the coveted title “wifey material”.This behavior, it’s obvious, will make them sell at the marriage stock exchange. According to Men’s Law, A Wifey Material is the one who meets out with all the below constraints,

An excellent cook. One needs to cook like the chefs at five star hotels. She needs to know the right ingredients for each meal. Apart from being able to prepare traditional meals, she should master how to prepare a complicated meal. Her chapatis should be soft like the bum of her baby, her meat tasty, her rice Moja moja and her tea shouldn’t be watery.

A good home maker. She needs to portray her home making skills. Once in a while or always; she should wash her husband’s clothes. She should scrub the veranda, change the curtains and do all the donkey work in a man’s house.

Submissive. This quality runs across them. She should follow all the orders, rules and regulations laid down by the man without any haa! She should not involve in any arguments with her husband according to the old pattern.

Ability to stay honest with a dishonest man. All wife material should tolerate dishonest husband without even a question even If he has any extra marital affairs. They should not care that their men won’t buy them any gifts or take them down to the dinner for a weekend etc.

Should be in good terms with in laws. A good wife respects and shows unconditional love to her in laws. She loves her mother in law and sister in law as her family. She never argues or carries grudges no matter what happens. All in laws love her in turn.

Uses money wisely. She needs to use every coin carefully. She shouldn’t buy very expensive make-up and rich weaves boasting that “my man has money”. She ought to live contrary to the slogan; a man should have a wife who spends more money than he can make. Money making ventures and good investment should be at her finger tips.

She should not be a party animal. Last but not least, A social activism should be a strange thing for her even If the man goes everywhere with men and even women. She should just like in movies, sit at home sleeping, or reading a novel.

These are the checkpoints for a Wifey material from a Man’s Scenario. Not all men think alike though. I am just talking about common people’s mentality. 

On the other hand, According to Girl’s Scenario, Many women have a list of qualities they are looking for in a man. Tall, dark, and handsome? Sure. These lists don’t tend to serve any purpose on finding “the one” until we become “the one” ourselves.  This is because we attract who we are, not what we want.

If your list hasn’t brought the right man into your life, drop it for the time being and work on being the right person first. Being the right person is about being true to who you are, loving yourself and knowing your worth. It’s ultimately about being and bringing your best self to the relationship.

A gentleman has high standards when it comes to what he wants in his future wife. When you are being the right person, the right man will show up in your life.  As a side benefit, being the right/drama-free person simplifies things and frees you to enjoy your journey to love. Happy wifying!;);)

– Manimozhi Ilango

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