Why MENISM ???

Why Even Men Need Fe(menism) in Today’s Age – Menism ?

You’ve most likely heard of the oh-so-notorious term “feminism” because it has been a popular discussion topic in the media. Recently, however, a new term has arisen on various social media platforms: the word “menism”.

So, what exactly is menism? What does it mean? A lot of people seemed quite infuriated by this concept, so naturally I had to find out more about it and break the myths. It typically (but not always) involves males who feel as if their rights are being neglected due to the latest feminism movement.

One of the misconceptions about the feminist movement is that feminists are anti-men. Sure, some radical feminists might feel that way. I can’t speak for them. The actual meaning of feminism, however, is equality for both genders. Not empowerment of one gender over another. Like men need woman, woman need men, too. Not just for intimate relationship gratification, but things beyond it. Some people fail to realize this, hence the start of the menism movement.

Menism isn’t an entirely new concept. It’s been wide around for over a decade, but has resurfaced in the past few years. Men Go Their Own Way and much criticized yet also applauded Men’s Right’s Activist (MRA) who are criticized for being anti-feminist or anti-woman but not pro-men). One can argue that the overwhelming amount of injustice put on men is due to feminism, but one can easily counter argue by saying, “no”. It is a human protocol.

Where a patriarchy (A title for the male who heads the family) reduced women to walking sexual objects, it did not remain soft towards men. Real Men do not feel pain. Pink is for girls. If a man wears it, he is gay. Men do not cry – is a common attitude towards men among folks.

Masculinity is a toxic concept. It asks a man to hold their emotions. Do you want to cry? You cannot. You are torn after a break up? Are you for real?.. Feminism raised the question against all these beliefs. Jokes about male to male sexual harassment in prison are frequently laughed at. Ignoring the sad truth connected to it.

Men can feel pain. It is what makes them human. It is what being alive feels like. Pink was once a color for boys. Even if it was not, men look pretty good in it. Men can cry. Men should cry. They should cry out rather than die on the inside.

Here’s the blunt truth: Men might not want it. Men are raped, too. By woman as well as men.

The whole concept of ‘man up’ is stupid, toxic and dangerous. It stunts their emotional maturity which is very, very, very important. According to a survey conducted by an NGO, more men commit suicide as compared to women. Something to think about.

The constitution decided to define rape as something which happens only to females. Something incredibly stupid and something which needs a change. As soon as possible. There might not be as many men suffering from sexual harassment, but there are men who have been sexually harassed. There are men who have been physically abused, there are men who have been mortally raped and there are men who suffered emotional abuse, mental torture and other sickening things.

Feminism recognizes it. It understands that women cannot attain equality until and unless men attain it as well. It also understands how women are not made of sugar, spice and everything nice. And that’s not every man is made of nitrogenous wastes.

If a man does not wish to fight a battle, he is not a coward. He should not be shamed. It has been his choice just like wearing skirts is a female’s choice and not a slut’s. If a man chooses to wear pink. He is not a gay. Just because he takes care of himself, does not make him gay. It just means he cares for himself. He is not pretentious. He has been just aware.

Men can be and should be men and rock the manhood.

– Manimozhi Ilango

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