

The world is full of selfish, ungrateful and fake people. We have to be careful about whom we let in. because fake people will use us and weak negative minded people will drag us to their level eventually. So we have to stop offering friendship to anyone. Our time is more valuable. Sometimes we have to stop seeing good in people and learn to set boundaries and use filters. We should not see ourselves in others, we should look them as what they are indeed. Everybody isn’t real and loyal to us just because they are checking with us. They are loyal to their needs of us. At the end of the day, the real situations expose manipulative people accordingly. I pay close attention. People push us to our limits and apparently when we finally call their shits out and give them a little drop of taste of their own medicine, they feel offended and make like we are the one at fault. I don’t owe anyone anything except the same amount of respect they show me. I respect an open enemy who hates me rather than fake friend who smiles at front and secretly devastate. I silently remove myself from such kind of destroying things and fake people. I am not a bakery. I don’t sugar coat anything. I say how and what exactly a thing is or how I feel, not what others expect me to say. I don’t judge a situation I have never been without knowing the whole story. Not everyone have access to me because my peace is more important. Bridge is already or always burning and the flames show my direction with more clarity ever. According to me, detoxification of everything from people to materials, as much as possible, is good for our healthiest living.

– Manimozhi Ilango

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