The One Organic Life!😎

A life with inner peace is priceless!❤☕

All of life is peaks and valleys. Don’t let the peaks get too high and the valleys too low. Some of us think the world is unfair and cruel. Good! So many of us have this anger towards the world. I get it because I had it too. Being a conventional family where marriage termination is a big deal, and ofcourse for everyone, when my matrimonial life was scattered as it started and I was pushed to meet my life with uncertainty and full of misery, being an alien to these kind of things, I was near-blind and I didn’t know what I would really go to do next and how I would face up my life battles under this label either. The world completely seemed to be a terrible war-field to live. People around me seemed to be untrustworthy, cruel, cunning and heartless (But people are good and beautiful in their own way if we look at them as they are, not as what we are). I didn’t know then whom to trust apart from parents. Everything was like a disaster. But It’s natural to feel that way in a world that is always showing us things we don’t have or experiences we’ll never taste. Honestly, There is nothing that we should feel guilt or shame about, in case of things did not work out in our favour. Life moulds us in every phase of it. Sometimes, our heart breaks so that our soul opens. Some things end for better things to begin. Our ways of perceiving the world are flawed. Don’t expect the world to be fair to you just since you are fair to it. Nobody can dim our light or disable our life without our consent. Many of us have been taught this terrible idea that we DESERVE things. Look at nature. Does the bird DESERVE the worm it catches? Does the lion DESERVE the deer? No. Those animals went after what they needed. There was no thought, only instinct. Humans, however, have all kinds of thoughts and feelings. We can speculate and reflect. This is why we’ve been able to rise out of the biological group of animals to become the dominant species, but it has drawbacks. Our ability to think and perceive allows us to understand the world through our unique lens. Life is all about perspective and how we look at something… ultimately, we have to zoom out. When we look at things we have access in the world, be it people or natural resources or whatever, It’s shocking that access to human senses is hugely taken for granted by our species. It’s human nature. That’s why perspective and reflection are so important. Without them, we take everything positive in our lives for granted. Without recognizing the limitations in our thinking, we will forever be overindulged or unhappy. A proper education is needed for us. We should learn to think and approach life constructively and consume our potentials effectively to the necessity instead of destroying things.

Eventually, I realized I needed to suck it up and do something about my life and my inner feelings. So I changed my approach towards life. Then, replaced the question “why all these things are happening  to me only?” with “what is this trying to teach me?”.. so that I could find the power and strength to live within myself, within my boundaries. Because our life is a one time offer, It’s a continuing process, but if we commit to taking responsibility for our lives no matter where we find ourselves and are willing to put in the work to learn and grow, we can find the fulfillment we seek. We are stressed since we have not properly engineered our own system to function without resistance. That is why inner engineering is important to devise our inner system to work on in a highly functional and healthier manner. In a world overflooded with information, we need to use filters to receive what we really need to receive. And sometimes, Digital fasting for emotional, mental and social health is mandatory. We have to kill our entitlement first.

Be mindful. Mindfulness is about love and loving our life. When we cultivate this love and contentment, it gives us clarity and calmness for life, and our actions happen in accordance with that. Be grateful. Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Everything is a choice.

One of the greatest wealth that we have is the gift of nature. We should open our heart to the power of endless possibilities that is within us and around us. We are home-made but not house plants. Sometimes, we should come out to the nature to enable its dynamic tools that vitally energise our mind and body. The sun upgrades our DNA. The moon strengthens our psychic abilities. Tree absorbs the negative energies. The ocean has the ability to cleanse our aura and trigger our psychological state of calm and contentment. We should spend sometime with nature. The universe is our home. We are basically home-made. We should live up to our soul, not the people around us. We should accept ourself. Stay tune in our own frequency. Settle differences without ego. Normalize saying NO. Find balance in our life. Don’t rush into anything. Log out from the busy life, rest and recharge. Walk into the nature. Fix our energy. Be present now. Radiate good energy. We should never be trapped into any pressure that life puts on us, be very lightsome. Focus on the good. We should do what feels good for us. We need to treat life exclusively since it’s a privilege that has been denied to many even though they live on the earth but with mental and physical diseases. Need to treat life like a gift to be celebrated, even though it’s hard. Go offline sometimes. Focus on ourself. Make love with ourself. Invest in ourself. We should be a better person, for us, for our ownself. Upgrade ourself. Lead by intuition. Be gentle and flexible with everyone. Know what sparks the light in us and illuminate. Eat more fruits and delicious food. Hydrate the body with water. Treat ourself and pamper the inner kid in ourself often. We should be our own cheerleader. Should be mindful about our body and exercise. Never miss anything that makes us happy even if it doesn’t make any sense to others. Appreciate everything. Never leave things for later. Never take anything anyone for granted. Travel more and explore more. Meet random people. Whatever we are be a real one, be rooted in our own being. Enjoy every little thing that feeds our soul for no reason. Listen to soothing music. Have some fun moments meanwhile. Have some coffee or tea. Surround yourself with people who naturally wire with our soul, who boost our ideal potential, who have positive energy and good vibes but no drama and negativity. Set our boundary. Find our passion, fuel our passion and make it a monetary resource. Be free and unstressed otherwise. Live a colourful life. Add our own flavours and aroma to this beautiful life. Be happy for no reason. Celebrate every season and festivity of life.

Our life is a privilege! We have this one life, Aromatic Life. Live it in every detail and every possible way to the fullest potential of it. Make the best use of it. Most of all, Live life organically. Healthiest thing ever.🌱🎵☕

– Manimozhi Ilango

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