A Handle On Our Nutty BRAINCELL..

To handle ourself we should use our head..

Our mind is the most powerful tool we have for the creation of good in our life, but if not used correctly, can also be the most destructive force in our life. To control and condition and reprogram our thoughts means to influence the way we live our life. Our mind can become our best friend, our biggest supporter, and someone we can count on to be there and encourage us. We can be in control of our thoughts. The choice is ours. The thing is that we should be able to address the nature of the mind, how we need to handle it, and what fundamental discipline we need to bring to it.

Not letting the worry or fear consume us: We can’t handle ourself in the future even if we would come with instruction manual. When we live in the future—in the world of “what ifs”, we are motivated by fear, which is often irrational and has no basis. Live in the present. Practice to accept the reality. Replace fear or worry with gratitude.

Deprivation & fasting: Deprive yourself of things you are addicted to or habitual off, at least once in a while or for some time frame. And also fasting from people now and then is also good for mental health.

The inner critic: The Inner Critic(interpretation), is always like a monkey in the circus bar that keeps moving here and there, creates our self-doubt and self-blame and which is motivated by pain, betrayal, low self-esteem, lack of self-acceptance, and lack of self-love. Replace it with acceptance, clarity, positivity and constructive thinking patterns.

Self-restrictions: Decide your moral values, set limits, eliminate certain activities from your life that dilute the core values.

Switching emotions: Practice to switch thoughts whenever faced by any overwhelming thought in life. Bring out something else, learn to ignore that trigger of overthinking.

Introspection: Always analyze your present life, identify the rights and wrongs, understand your life and bring changes.

Playing against mind: If you have to engage your mind compulsorily on something, but your mind is forcing against it, no matter how much it forces, just keep going. Example, no matter how bored you feel, if you have to study, study, don’t get up. Face that time frame of fight with your mind.

Being deeds oriented: Karma is a key to self-power, strength and satisfaction. Keep doing your best deeds each day, and don’t think about return favour from anyone and anything else. Deeds oriented people control their mind better, because they know what to do. Karma.

Not accepting the traps of worldly expectations & judgements: Keep yourself free, stay casual, focus on yourself more than what others think of you. Your mind is your property not public property. We are the product of our own self.

Have a third person view of life: Use every failure, circumstances, misery as a case study for future, view your tough life as a third person to learn about your fate, mistakes, learnings, luxuries and future course of action.

Simple techniques to Train your Brain: Listen to some nice music. Stay in a beautiful ambience. Consume a healthy diet, Probably vegan. Challenge your brain with Sudoku, ruby’s cube, solitaire crosswords, and electronic games. Practice telling your stories, both old and new in an interesting humorous way. Learn a new skill whenever is possible. Build your vocabulary. Mediate for your Brain’s workout. Use all your senses. Smelling, touching, tasting, seeing, and hearing all at the same time! Practice all this slowly!

Alignment with inner-self: Understanding yourself, knowing yourself better. Self-talk, spirituality, spending time in solitude, and deep thinking will help us align with our inner self and enlighten our mind.😎🌹

– Manimozhi Ilango

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