Rushing Through Life Is A Formula For Disastrous Life!

Practice To Be Present!🧘‍♀️

We often don’t realize how fortunate we are to have access to information and resources right at our fingertips at all times. We don’t realize the foundation that was laid for us to get here; the path that was paved for us to walk on. And the thing about our generation in experiencing slow results is that we don’t like to take our time. We don’t like to wait. The thing about 80s and 90s and 2k people is that we are so used to immediate satisfaction. We’re used to immediate knowledge, immediate action, and immediate results. We don’t stop to think. We don’t assess the situation fully. We don’t want to do the work or go through the hard part. We just want to get to the good stuff — The part where we are always successful.

Technology, once expected to give us more time, seems to steal from us too. It has created the many distractions and time traps that waste so much of our time. It’s not all bad though. The ability to multitask is an essential skill that is very much in demand in today’s busy world. But it is that chronic multitasking does not always lead to the most effective use of time, and in fact sometimes it creates more mistakes. The emotional impact is great, too – According to human capacity, multitasking doesn’t actually work. It just makes you feel more tired and scattered. So, don’t make that a habit. When there is day, witness the day, and when there is night, witness the night – and don’t get identified with either. You are neither the day nor the night; you are the existing consciousness. Become more and more centered there in that existence.

I’m not at all knocking our generation for our over enthusiasm for immediacy. Quite frankly, I appreciate people who accomplish a great deal because of their passionate spirits and boldness. Instead, what I am suggesting is that we can stay still for a bit before we immediately jump ship. We’re so quick to respond, so quick to act, and so quick to react that we don’t really think of the long-term or the consequences of our actions. We don’t understand the virtue of patience. It has taken me a long time to practice the art of staying still and being patient. To be honest, it’s still a quality that I am working on.

Practice to be present🧘‍♀️.. When you’re in a meeting, be in the meeting. When you’re with your partner or child, put down the phone and be with them. Put down your busy distracted thoughts, too, and be with the people around you. If you’re out for a walk, notice the lovely or interesting things in your environment. See your world. Most of us spend way too much time in our heads, and not enough time in our lives.

There’s a reason why the “getting to know somebody or something” phase is so crucial when it comes to relationship or marriage or any commitment — It’s so that you don’t end up with the wrong person or thing or wind up getting your heart broken which leads us to a terrible suffering (Though, that’s not to say that won’t happen because well, it often does). But, know that it’s okay to take your time when the risks outweigh the rewards. Sometimes, you just need to stay still before you make your next move. There’s nothing wrong with that. But, I can say that taking my time on the more important life decisions has been far more beneficial than making snap decisions the way I used to.

Rushing through life is a formula for disastrous life — You’re more prone to making mistakes when you rush and things will get messy. Practice to be present.🌹

– Manimozhi Ilango