Honor The Current Course Of Life!❤

Go with the flow sometimes and honor the current course of life!

‘Going with the flow’ concept is either applied or misapplied depending on the individual’s situation or perception. Going with the flow is not always good. And also, going with the flow is not always wrong on certain currents as well. But in many cases, this is an avoidance tactic. It’s an egoic defense mechanism. Going with the flow is for some people an excuse and escape for not taking any responsibility or action. On the one hand, there is no use fighting and wishing things were different. Everyone’s life is filled with disappointments. Focusing on what we do not have, and giving our personal energy to what we lack, only causes more sorrow. There are things we cannot change. Instead of railing against those things, turning our attention to the things we can do something about is good. On the flip side, Just going with that flow is not going to take us where we want to go. If all we do is go with the flow, we’ll get caught in the crosscurrents or go over a waterfall. We need handle, We need intention and we need action, too.

But really, going with the flow is about our life’s situation, recognizing the resistance and accepting the change. What’s moving many of us in many moments is a flow based on our shadows, wounds, coping mechanisms, defense mechanisms, and values conflicts. It’s all the ways we’ve learned to get by, to survive, to get what we think we don’t have and to not lose what we’re afraid somebody is going to take away. There is a flow, a current of energy in our life. Once we are more deeply rooted in the truth of our being, Then, going with the flow will feel like we’re letting go of resistance and letting go of fear and being willing to be used and taken down by this river of life. We should follow our inner senses and its signals instead of denying them and break the grip of the conditioners and manipulators. We should go with the flow without fear of what others will think. The most powerful way to set ourselves free of the thinking, believing, fearing, is to celebrate our own uniqueness, to allow everyone else to do the same, and never seek to impose what we believe on another. Understand, It is the awareness and acknowledgement of the gap between our perception of the life and reality of the life and being able to flow, shift, act, adapt or just be accordingly.

Going with the flow does not mean that we don’t have a clue about where we are headed, it just means that we are open to multiple ways of getting there. When we think that there’s only one way of doing something, we are actually limiting ourself because the mind can not comprehend the infinite. Our beliefs are fixation of thoughts and limitations of vision and prisons of the mind. We believe too much and feel too little. But, We live in a field of infinite possibilities, all things are possible. Our only limitation is our own thinking. The essence of going with the flow is living in the moment and keep doing our best without thinking of the outcome. We should let go of the illusion of control, stop forcing and start flowing. We don’t have to control the course of life, we just have to let it work through, sometimes.

Most of us are driving against the current of life. Understand that we can’t control the course of river but we can always adjust the sail. Instead of turning the boat around, sometimes, all we need to do is to steer the boat in the direction of current for smooth sailing. But understand, the flow should be like the river makes the water flow and not like the one that the dead fish goes with the flow. We should not be struggling by fighting the current of life, Instead, we should be able to manage the current and go in forward direction. We should be more accepting what is coming through and moving forward with the flow of life without holding ourself back. Most people think that going with the flow is a bad and indifferent way to handle things. Indeed, going with the flow is easy and more accurate and soothing way when you can swim and cross the river. We can be like the river and learn to adjust and adapt by changing course when necessary, but always flowing. Honor the current course of life, sometimes!❤

– Manimozhi Ilango