There Is No Right Or Wrong. It’s Only Our MINDSET.🧘‍♀️

There Is No Right Or Wrong. It’s Only Our MINDSET.

If you overly obsess over whether you are making the right decision or wrong, understand that there is no fixed agenda. Once you make any decision, it works around that decision to make it as decided. There is no full-scale right or wrong, good or bad, but only a series of possibilities that shift with each thought, feeling, and action that we experience. There’s no right or wrong. Honestly, More evil things are being done in the name of righteousness than any other way. It’s all subjective. My right can be your wrong. And we can both be right.. or wrong. The present is defined by a combined course of our thoughts, which is guided and restricted by our beliefs… The future becomes the present when our beliefs change… Time measures how much effort we require to change our thoughts… And space shows exactly what and where we are now thinking about. And therein we see that the ‘whole’ equation that sums up all things… Thoughts Become Things, which is all we really need to know. Ultimately what we believe becomes our thought. Therefore, what we think it right or wrong becomes our right or wrong. We are the programmer of our mind. We have wide range of surprises and opportunities beyond our imagination that we have to discover. Truely the problem is not that we think highly of ourself, nor we think lowly of ourself. The real problem is we do not think at all. We just believe, believe that this is right or that is wrong. Many of us often believe that their purpose in life is something that must be discovered or found externally. They may seek guidance from others, such as a mentor or a religious leader, or look for inspiration in books, movies, or other media. While seeking external guidance can be helpful, it is important to recognize that ultimately, the answer to finding your purpose in life lies within ourself. Therefore, we should just take notes from the preconditions belief system of our society, explore from within and reprogram our mind and thought patterns for the good according to our sense of curiosity, goodness and beauty. We should be the designer of our own belief system and live accordingly. Enjoy the freedom of choice and uniqueness of this mother earth in every possible dimension and have a fresh beautiful journey everyday instead of trapping into the old-fashioned belief system and repeating the same boring cycles until death. We should define our own strong sense of RIGHT or WRONG sense, and live and act within the limit of our knowledge and keep expanding it to the limit of our life.🌹

– Manimozhi Ilango