An Ecological Living

Living With Ecological Consciousness and Awareness

We live behind the masks of modern education without any knowledge about awareness and conscious living. But, Every evolved culture in the last few thousand years of human existance, developed systematic methods to awaken a human and make the human being ‘Conscious’ beyond the masks of superficial sensory perception. Why..because the sensory-delusion creates separation, disharmony, and a painful-burdensome DRAG. True-education is the search for the truth about thiings and nature and ourselves, the unfolding-ment of the vital spiritual dimension within. NOT to be confused with Packaged-Religion. Modern education is designed-nothing but as vocational training to work-function in the industrial economy. Therefore NOT a true education to make human beings live a conscious life. To top it off, modern education limits human intelligence to mostly analytical capacity-aspect only. Education is reduced and tested as memory and its theoretical ejection on papers.

Ecological awareness, is the education, about how our actions impact the environment and the associated ecosystems. By developing greater ecological awareness, we are thus able to understand not only the impact of our decisions and actions, but learn how to anticipate these changes before they occur and act in such a way as to protect our natural environment. Through greater ecological awareness, we can deepen our understanding and learn to find alternative approaches and ways of behaving which promote the natural environment and which allow us to live in harmony with Nature. Ecological consciousness, is not only about becoming better educated but a way of being and interacting with the natural world, and in relationship with all aspects of nature. The psychological, ethical and emotional aspects of an individual are all regulated through the lens of ecological consciousness.

Greater understanding of the impact of human activity and our choices upon our planet has led to a developing acceptance that all living things are more interdependent. As a result of such common knowledge, there is a greater willingness to view the world and nature through a more holistic lens. We, as a species, need to make changes to the ways in which we live our lives, if we are to take the necessary steps to protect our planet from further damage as the result of human activity. Issues of ecology are a common responsibility shared by all living creatures. We are required to become more in touch with nature and develop a value system which prioritises the environment above our individual needs. In so doing, we will be better placed to make choices which reduce the negative impact of mankind upon the natural world, protect the environment and the ecosystems which we live alongside. Most importantly of all, such a value system will enable us to change our existing attitudes towards the natural world so that we may create a more sustainable lifestyle for ourselves and future generations. Every ancient culture, from Mayan to Egyptian, to Sumerian to Bahrath, to east-asia has similar systems to educate & awaken human Consciousness and awareness, to the true potential. It’s time to Update-Upgrade our Consciousness. 👍🏻

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the Gift.” –Albert Einstein.

– Manimozhi Ilango