Future Of Work Battle And The Way It Is Shaping The Society

Future of  Work Battle – Way it is shaping the society

As the pace of technology innovations changes from linear to exponential; it is not only the old business models, governance models, management, and technology models that are being crushed under the weight of outdated economics of efficiency that no longer makes practical sense; but old skills set are also rapidly declining in value and nearing its end game.

A skill set brings individuals, knowledge, abilities, and experience necessary to perform a job or work. Since old skillsets are declining in demand they bring a painful reality of lack of end-game strategies of declining nature of work for individuals across nations. Since “work” is the foundation of human society; when it changes radically and rapidly across nations: its government, industries, organizations, and academia, everything else that connects the human society falls apart as well. As we look around, we can see that old system, models and ways of doing things are struggling to survive as a new ways of doing things are emerging rapidly. This new way of doing things–new work requires completely different skill sets and capabilities, approaches, and expectations for the work that many don’t even fully understand yet.

So, amidst the changing models of work and work structures, we should analyze and have fixes for certain important hows such as, How do we create a world where the advances in technology and automation are for the benefit of humanity broadly and not for just a few? How do we create a new world where the future of work is in sync with the future of humans and humanity? How do we create a world where machine workforce and human workforce complement each other? How do we create a world that does not create a war between the human workforce and the machine workforce?How do we create a world where we can compare and evaluate the human workforce versus machine workforce on a leveled playing field? How do we create a world where we invest equally in developing human intelligence as much as we invest in developing machine intelligence?… We should work out for the benefit of humans, not for the machines.


As work is being re-defined, re-designed and re-invented, the battle between the human workforce and machine workforce begins! Time is now to understand about risks emerging from Automation and the Future of Work and make fixes for the benefit of humans and our ecosystem!

– Manimozhi