Eat Seasonally : Conscious EATING

Our body is a finely tuned vehicle, when its tank is filled with a good fuel, It will take us to places of wonder where not many have easy access to. The food we eat becomes the body we live in. Whether you’re aware of it or not, food dramatically affects your well-being. It can affect the way you feel physically, how you respond emotionally, and how you manage mentally. It can boost your mental and physical energy and outlook or it can drain your resources and make you feel dull, moody, and dispirited. Many of us tend to view food as a reward or punishment. It’s why we think we “deserve” a certain bite or snack or spoonful of something and regard it as “a treat”, as if we were a well-behaved dog or child. People obsessed with being thin might undereat and suppress feelings of hunger, whereas people who overeat might ignore feelings of fullness. For many of us, our busy daily lives often make mealtimes rushed affairs. We find ourselves eating in the mid of the work, at the desk in front of a computer screen, or in the car or on the couch watching TV. We eat unconsciously, regardless of whether we’re still hungry or not. In fact, we often eat for reasons other than hunger—to satisfy emotional needs, to relieve stress, or cope with unpleasant emotions such as sadness, anxiety, loneliness, or boredom.

Why conscious eating?.. Conscious eating in this modern lifestyle is essential.. Conscious eating is maintaining an in-the-moment awareness of the food and drink you put into our body. It involves observing how the food makes us feel and the signals our body sends about taste, satisfaction, and fullness. Conscious eating requires us to simply acknowledge the changes in the body which is the cause and rather than judge the feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations we observe which are only the effects of the cause. It can extend to the process of buying, preparing, and serving your food as well as consuming it. Conscious eating isn’t about being perfect, always eating the right things, or never allowing ourself to eat on-the-go again. And it’s not about establishing strict rules for how many calories you can eat or which foods you have to include or avoid in your diet. Rather, it’s about focusing all your senses and being present as you shop for, cook, serve, and eat your food. What we input, we get the output. Unconscious eating is also the reason why you feel hungry soon after eating a meal versus when you have eaten a meal with more awareness. Our brain requires about 20 minutes to fully register the process of having eaten and digested the food. But when you eat quickly without paying any attention to it, for the brain it is as good as not eating a meal. And so, though there is food in your stomach, you may end up feeling hunger pangs soon again, which can encourage overeating. Overeating can lead to multiple metabolic disorders including diabetes, obesity, weight gain, and heart ailments.

Pay close attention to what you eat as it is the language of your body. Paying attention to the moment-to-moment experience of eating can help us improve our health. By paying close attention to how we feel as we eat—the texture and tastes of each mouthful, our body’s hunger and fullness signals, how different foods affect our energy and mood—we can learn to savor both our food and the experience of eating. Being conscious of the food we eat can promote better digestion, keep us full with less food, and influence wiser choices about what we eat in the future. Please also remember the colour of our food is also of profound importance- the correct choice of food also heal, align and balance our CHAKRAS.. our energy centres. It also helps us free ourself from unhealthy habits around food and eating and we can enjoy the improved well-being that comes with a healthier diet.

Food is not just calories but it’s Information. It talks to our DNA and tells it what to do. Our heart and body are so full of gratitude and love. We are so honored to be here now, in this body at this time of human evolution. Our soul and energy field are dependent on our body’s state of health and well being. We are cocreating with our body every moment of everyday. There are so many ways we can raise our vibration through what we do on a daily basis with these beautiful bodies. In Quantum level of life, we have to meet the body 100% of the way to reach our full potential in human form. We cannot ignore the body and expect to reach super high levels of consciousness. By eating Healthy Organic wholesome foods it talks to your DNA. Your life force energy will be so strong that you will be able to create and manifest your deepest desires and fulfill your soul’s mission. To me, the word “Health Care” has Absolutely NOTHING to do with Hospitals or insurance policies. It has EVERYTHING to do with CARING about our HEALTH on a day to day basis. Health care and conscious eating includes eating more fruits and vegetables, physical exercising and activities, Spending time in nature, meditating, giving back, laughing, and loving. There’s no Magic Pill that can cure you. We MUST take responsibility for our health. Let’s build wellness rather than treating diseases. 🧘

– Manimozhi Ilango