Technology Trends And Future Of Humanification

Each one of us in the world currently stands on the verge of the most transformative period in all human history. As the computer code, connected computers, internet, advances in technology and the rapidly emerging technological convergence creates a technological tsunami, it is fundamentally changing human lives—and the very meaning to be a “human”.

From Artificial Intelligence to Robotics, Blockchain to Cryptocurrencies, Internet to Brain Net, Virtual Reality to Augmented Reality, Internet of Things to Internet of Everything, Autonomous Vehicles to Smart Vehicles, CRISPR technology to Brain Mapping, Gene Editing to Stem cell Therapies, Drones to Flying Cars, Nanotechnology to Biotechnology, 3D Printing to Molecular Manufacturing; when we face fundamental transformation from such broad range of existing and emerging technologies, it is important to understand and evaluate whether these technology trends will fundamentally challenge our very idea about what it means to be a human.

Irrespective of the stone age, industrial age, digital age, or space age; technology has always given us the necessary tools through which we can address the challenges related to being human, human survival, and sustainability. Since technology is embedded in everything we as individuals or entities lands: its government, industries, organizations, and academia have done in the past, do today, and will do in the coming tomorrow; it is fair to say that, technology is built into every single interaction that we the humans have today and will have in the coming tomorrow.

Since technology gives us the foundation for human survival and sustainability, it is fundamental that we understand which technologies are trendsetters, and which technology trends are helping to change the human ecosystem as we know it. It is about understanding how the technology trends, disruption and the associated transformation impact the human condition—human survival, sustainability, and security in cyberspace, geospace, and space (CGS). So, as we stand upon the sharp cliff of change and prepare for the inevitable transformation of the human ecosystem, an evolution focused on the “Technology Trends and Future of Humanity” is necessary to understand how technology trends will impact humanity in the coming years.

It is important to evaluate this further. Based on the technology trends, what is the future of humanity? What parallels are there between biological and technological developments, revolutions and evolution? Is exponential growth in technology advancing humanity towards a more meaningful and purposeful future? How do we make sense of humanification? Since humanity has gone through many waves of disruption based on the advances in science and technology, how is this disruption different than the others?How did each wave of disruption change humanity? How are the fundamental pillars of humanity evolving in the coming years? What would it mean to be human in the coming years? What is the impact of technology that is coming our way? Are we rising to the challenge? Since technology gives us the foundation on which we can define and design the human ecosystem, where would science and technology take us in the coming years? What is the “Future of Technology”?

Conclusion : Since what we do with technology matters for human survival, security and sustainability, taking care of technology trends and understanding their impact is a fundamental need. Time is now to evaluate, understand, and manage the security risks emerging from the advances in technology. 

– Manimozhi Ilango