MENTAGENISIS : Elite Earth Academy

we presented the metaphysical postulate that the Earth is a sort of elite academy where brave souls choose to incarnate for the purpose of growing through extreme experiences.

Here is a 3D way to analogize it. Imagine you’re a person living in an extremely advanced civilization that has harnessed technology to such a degree that all your needs are automatically taken care of. Due to your mind connection with the central computer that runs your fully automated planet, whatever you wish, you receive. There is no toil, no struggle, no thought of ever being deprived of anything you want or need. You don’t even have to worry about death as your body is daily scanned for any signs of aging and automatically regenerated.

However, your scientists and elders have noticed a problem. Your people have stagnated in intellectual and spiritual growth. Not only is your mental capacity shrinking due to lack of challenges, but your spiritual growth is in decline because you have no appreciation for your life of abundance due to having never known lack. In fact, the population of your civilization has no motivation to do much of anything and spends most of its time complaining about how boring it is to live so long without challenges.

Your elders and scientists go to work on the problem and invent a computer controlled game that will create an alternate reality within which the people will immerse themselves totally and experience any challenging experience they desire simply by preprogramming the game to deliver certain situations and experiences desired by the group going in.

This alternate reality is so convincing that while inside the game, it’s indistinguishable from the real world. Some of those inside the game are people from outside, projecting their consciousness into avatars whose bodies they control and others are computer generated avatars manipulating the game to move the plot forward. Both the “outsiders” and “insiders” are using artificially generated bodies comprised of photons held together by force fields so they are indistinguishable to each other.

The Outsiders get to choose a character and a life theme relating to certain things they want to experience and lessons they want to learn on the way. Through its Insider agents, the computer causes tailor-made situations and circumstances to shape the personality of the Outsider to match the characteristics of their chosen character.

To add to the intensity of the experience, the Outsiders temporarily forget who they are outside the game, while in the game. The game becomes their whole world and they have no idea that when they “die” they will wake up completely safe in their high tech world of complete abundance and satisfaction.

To make the game interesting, challenging and to provide experiences that could not be had in their highly advanced society, the Insiders are programmed to constantly challenge the Outsiders attempt to fulfill their life plan. Although there is ample supply of everything needed by everyone, the Insiders are programmed to hoard much more than they need and create an environment of scarcity. They will scheme and conspire together to make life difficult by inciting hatred, intolerance, separation, violence and war. They will send forth false prophets to corrupt the thinking of the Outsiders to convince them the game is of utmost importance. The computer will release viruses into the program that will attack their avatar bodies with disease.

But there are also clues that help to inform the Outsiders of the true nature of the game and how they can access powers to overcome the negative aspects of the program. There are Outsiders who agree to go into the game and act as teachers, guides, healers and peacemakers. And finally, clues are hidden and buried in what would appear to be the ancient past; to be discovered and provide illumination.

The Outsider mentors come with a simple message. “You are more than you appear to be. You are not victims of this false reality, but the programmers of the game! You have the ability to control and reprogram it through the power of your mind.” Indeed, the game is designed to detect and respond to the conscious energy of imagination, intention, belief and faith and to alter it’s program to favor the individual with beneficial situations and circumstances who is projecting these mental frequencies.

This game proves highly successful in expanding the consciousness and empathy of those players who are brave enough to be immersed in its limitations, obstacles and challenges. There are boundless opportunities to be appreciative, generous, forgiving, and loving. There are even opportunities for self-less heroics and the giving of one’s life so others might live.

When people exit the game and return to the reality of their previous life, they are much better for it. Not only are they bursting with life, enthusiasm and motivation, but they appreciate every comfort and act of kindness! However, the greatest joy is to meet someone who had been dear to them inside the game and realize they are not lost forever, but also with them in this place of eternal youth, health and vitality able to enjoy and share the super-abundance of opportunities to live and love!

Courtesy, Daniel Wolfert.

– Manimozhi Ilango

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