Ancient Greeks Were The Base For SECRET SOCIETY

The ancient Greeks, were the primary base for secret societies, against every modern thought, they were not fond of mysticism! ! !(Many of the secret societies are based primary on ancient Greek and secondary on Babylonian and Aegyptian knowledge, the latter leads to Kabala, a Greek doctrine that is completely misunderstood but is used in secret societies (see The Greek Kabala by a New Zealand proffesor.. Barrow???) I could present hundreds of ancient Greek sayings about the former that confirm my sayings but this is not the point here.

The ancient Greeks provided openly and generously all knowledge to everybody, knowledge that is extremely advanced (the most of the modern science are based on this knowledge but they forget to mention that). This knowledge was expressed via the advanced Greek language that was the reason the information included in Greek is difficult to be interpreted but it is never… Secret! Even today the most readers of Plato when they read his works the big majority think that his meanings are easy to read and understand. But a single word in Plato’s works needs hundreds books to write to manage to decode it!!! Plato’s knowledge alone can lead people to be almost Gods that means even to be able to do miracles but he never ever kept secret this knowledge. The only thing is that his texts are difficult to interpret(and here comes the Greek concept of Allegory to manage to interpret) otherwise everything is open.(for you that thinks “what about Pythagoras” I say, his apparent mysticism is a completely other thing…)

Now, about the secret societies, there some persons, called Elite(negative) not Aristocrats(positive)… on this planet only because they have money and thus they have easy access to many so called Academics, Philosophers, Scholars, Spiritual Leaders, Rabbis, etc. Those persons because of the power, the money they print themselves, provides them access to become able to get information about Life or after Life matters(metaphysics) that it is not accessible to ordinary mortals.(for example, somebody has to pay a huge deal of money to know about healing since a very few spiritual leaders have mastered the art and so reasons). Much of this information normally and usually is not appropriate for them to know as they got it through others (did not had the capacity to get it through their own mind and capabilities) and thus it is not their personal achievement. The following saying is almost a universal law : “easy coming easy going” meaning here that the most of the them they dont understand what they learned or what they are witnesses of… but in spite of this they are able to use it as mere users…and that leads to catastrophe).

These so called Elite (money) people, ONLY because of their money that gave them access to advanced Cosmic information that normally they are not eligible to get as the possession of information of such level information is subjected under some rules like : The rule of the appropriate Time and rhythm (meaning: to be learned in the time needed or to use the appropriate rhythms required for so advanced knowledge, for example to just pass on the information about the Atom Bomb to a terror state or persons, the second rule is the rule of DNA as all kind of information is not appropriate for every DNA, to explain this, advanced information may not be suitable for every race/tribe and so on. (please dont start to think about racism and the like as with the term DNA it is meant here the same as to pass some specific knowledge to a particular group of people who have genetics of intellectual minds and train them in such particular subject lest they should wrong do that. For ex: match box to a child and train it up to light a match… it is this I mean it has not to do with race in its own gtoup itself, because the general capabilities of individual DNA is different).

This kind of information (it is not knowledge as knowledge it depends on the appropriate Time used to be “educated” and the appropriate DNA), the Elite thinks that it can be easily used and will not leave “scars”(make any harm) to their desire for domination of the world as they think that they are smarter than the rest since they posses information that is advanced in all the levels as on the physical and on the spiritual one(metaphysical). You see the Elite is heavy depended on power and power depends only on a tool they them self has imposed on the ordinary mortals called money.(they print so much they want when they want…)

So here comes the point : To protect their “imaginary capabilities” through easy got information they are obliged to conserve/protect it and thus they are in a situation where they have to pass it to others that has to be of their choice, similar DNA or religion or in in some religious people in those days.

Those “others” are usually specific persons with specific characteristics that are destined by their blessings to be the “protectors” and the continuation of the Elite as the Elite has as its priority to continue to be the Elite (Power & money).

From this point and on the chosen of the Elite, that managed to posses inappropriate information ONLY through money, has to keep this kind of information secret as this information hides/contains the way to exercise power and thus the method how to enslave the rest.

So, here at this point starts the development of the secret societies as they are obliged to hide their information like : from the Scientologists that you have to pay a hell of money to get to learn what the Elite knows hundreds of years now to the famous Masons that claim that they are almost a Philanthropic and Philosophic union to the Bilderberg club, a club that apparently has as its aim to govern the planet, to the Illuminati that apparently thinks that they possess many powers given through their information etc etc etc.

So in a way the secrecy became a necessity not because this information they posses it is not appropriate to pass to every one… as very often all these societies claim(ironically, they them selves got it also in an inappropriate way as they were not eligible them selves to a so high valued info…) but because this information makes them to feel special, different, powerful gives them the sense of unity, provides them with a good self esteem as they feel the rulers of the world ergo the smartest, etc.

The ancient Greeks spoke openly about extremely advanced concepts. All those members of the secret societies are learning today all these Greek concepts and at the same time they hide it away from the “eyes of the blasphemous” meaning the rest.

Secret societies have many good excuses that they use to indoctrinate their members so they can legalize their secrecy. Those societies uses many many excuses just to hide away information, books and knowledge from the ordinary citizen of this world(meaning the access to those that can and want to know…) as if this information would have been in possession of the ordinary people then they would have revolted against all those quasi-leaders.

There are millions of smart people that are hindered/kept out of many activities on this planet just because they dont belong to a secret society and as this is not enough those smart people are used by those societies to their benefit and more free information as for example all these Phd’s that are used by the Elite without all the common smart people to be aware of it etc….)

An other thing that “legalize” the establishment of all these secret societies is that they are occupied with activities that either aim against the ordinary humans being’s wishes(today this is evident through globalism and the elimination of the nations) or that the single heads/leaders of those societies belongs to DNA that opposes and wants to eliminate the Human DNA. For example many of those belongs to Cronian DNA as the ancient Greek literature mentions openly and tangible and are known today as the Draconians or the Snakes.

Secrets are kept only when it is to make harm. Excuses used by those societies like for example that to keep secret from your child about its present that will get to Christmas is not harmful…. are not valid as this argument is not about the Elite-secrecy and thus it is a pure lie!!! Secrets today can be seen as something that is against humanity.

So many people that belongs to different secret societies and are in the low levels think that their society is a society that has good intentions but in reality even those people they lack the real purpose of their society’s aims and goals and thus they become mistakenly “angry” towards of this kind of articles.

Courtesy,Bacharias Konstantinos, Researcher, University Lecturer, Philosopher & Many other sources.

– Manimozhi Ilango

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