I have done so much of research and groundwork from several web sources and wrote up this article from Mt perception from the data I have extensively collected.

There are Two groups of ILLUMINATI, Original Illuminati and Modern Illuminati.

The Original Illuminati?

The term Illuminati belongs to two different groups: the original Illuminati, who valued individual freedom and well-being, formed more than two centuries ago as a secret society aimed at undermining corrupt governments and the religious intolerance that dominated society at the time, quickly dissolved into myth. Today, that myth is linked to the idea of a New World Order, an alleged underground totalitarian global government that conspiracy theorists believe is controlling the world. “The original Illuminati formed more than two centuries ago as a secret society aimed at undermining corrupt governments and the religious intolerance that dominated society at the time.” As the name implies, they were intent on guiding individuals towards enlightenment and freedom but found society was restricted by those in power who wished to maintain control and did not care about individuals’ well-being. In the late 1770’s, the group developed subversive rituals that were designed to liberate initiates from the mental constraints of political and religious influence and to undermine the patriotism that kept the royal families of Europe in power. Once initiated, these individuals were instructed to infiltrate other groups or maneuver themselves into positions of influence where they could subvert or direct power away from the ruling elite and back to the people. They also published political satires and propaganda to make the public aware of crimes committed by the ruling classes. This is mirrored today, for example, with WikiLeaks providing a platform for whistle-blowers to anonymously release information directly to the public. This undermines state influence over mainstream media and is a step toward making governments transparent and accountable.

Have the goals and intentions remained the same or have they evolved over time?

They evolved. Corruption, oppression, and inequality are still major challenges for society, but there has been a shift in power from monarchies and religions, as politics has become a tool for corporations to put profits before the needs of the individual. Only now, through the disruptive technology of the internet, there is a platform for individuals to demand accountability and to choose ethical alternatives if they are unhappy with how a company, politician, or another figure in power conducts itself. The internet was created for sharing and collaboration, and this is reflected in the emerging online culture that can be seen in campaigning websites, alternative currencies, and Kickstarter-funded projects. While the original Illuminati disappeared into the mists of history, they left many other societies to continue their work. The spirit of the Illuminati can be found today in the online dissent and counter-culture groups like Anonymous and WikiLeaks, and many other proactive communities helping to progress society.

How do the worlds of religion, spirituality, government, and health interact in The original Illuminati belief system?

Politically, the original Illuminati recognized that those who seek power are rarely suited to manage it, so they called for a meritocracy, a government based on aptitude and expertise rather than privilege. In a meritocratic government, instead of a random politician taking control of the nation’s healthcare, the role would be appointed to an expert from within the health industry. For religion, they advocated allowing a natural spirituality to emerge in children, instead of the dogma mandated by organized religions. For health matters, they were supporters of scientific methods, but also shared members with the original Rosicrucians, a philosophical society famous for having members who were gifted natural healers.

What is the difference between the Illuminati and the New World Order?

The New World Order would be better described as “The Old World Order,” as it is comprised of old banking families and aristocracy. Many conspiracy theorists maintain that the New World Order is the current incarnation of the Illuminati, but their aims are the antithesis of the original Illuminati, who valued individual freedom above all forms of control. If a New World Order exists and aims to control society, it will always be challenged by those who are willing to fight for equality and freedom.

2.Modern Elite Group Of Evil ILLUMINATI’s

Our society is run by insane people for insane reasons. I believe this is entirely true, however, these “insane people” are really just power hungry billionaires that treat everyone below them like pawns on a chessboard.

It is quite simple.

The people at the top of the pyramid want to stay at the top and the only way to do this is to brainwash the people on the bottom levels of the pyramid into believing that what they are doing is necessary in order to keep the wheels going on this machine we call society.

Another aspect of the Illuminati that is quite interesting is their gross over usage of satanic symbolism in media. There are pictures and videos that are constantly being dissected on YouTube that show actors, musicians, politicians, etc., throwing up hand signs that resemble devil horns or using the infamous sequence of 666 in their performances or speeches. I often, at times, believe that these people are searching for reasons to give truth to the conspiracy. If the Illuminati is some secret worldwide elite group of evil billionaires, why would they make it obvious enough for even the most uneducated person to point out?

Now I’m not saying I don’t believe they exist, I just think it is more complex than what most people think. These signs and symbols could be a way to throw everyone off. What if there was something bigger going on that is beyond our capabilities of understanding? For instance, consider that the Illuminati are really hyper intelligent aliens that have the ability to shape-shift into human form. Maybe Earth is just a giant science experiment being run by foreign entities with the goal of understanding existence themselves.

Now I’m sure at this point you’re probably asking yourself, “What the hell is that the woman is talking about?” That is one of the biggest issues we have in society though. Thinking outside the box or having an opinion that goes against the status quo can send you to the loony bin.

That could very well be the Illuminati’s plan. Keep society in a closed box to stop them from uncovering the real truth. It’s scary to think any of what I just talked about could be true, but it’s even scarier to think after reading this, most of you will write it off as just another silly conspiracy theory.

ILLUMINATI’s connection with music and celebrities?

YES! Illuminate is 100% real and they control main stream media, entertainment (music, videos, movies, Hollywood), Businesses and they also have a high influence over world governments. Like Jim Morrison said “Whoever controls media, controls the mind’’Now coming to your question, connections with celebrities and music. Undoubtedly, these celebrities are followed by hundreds of millions of people. In simplest words, Illuminate help these celebrities in achieving fame, money and contracts and in return they promote and brainwash people to follow the‘New World Order’ directly or in-directly. In India, We can call upon some famous celebrities who are their agents if we deeply look into.

Hidden POWES

The Illuminati is actually really chill & they don’t give a damn about what happens with anyone. Plus why did they even control the universe and people in the first place though their theory is based on freedom? That doesn’t sound like “freedom” to me. So I am going to list what I do know and what you need to know. So basically the illuminati is the pinpoint of all the universe and we are their slaves. They aren’t what you think they are. They are powerful way beyond imagination. They are responsible for:

  1. Religion
  2. Internet
  3. Communism/Democracy (Basically Communism is a good thing that the illuminati don’t want you to believe it is. Democracy is a bad thing that illuminati wants you to believe it is good and will force you to follow. )
  4. Media/Press (Michael Jackson, Queen, David Bowie, Bob Marley, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Justin Beaver, Walt Disney, GTA. Yup, all this seems to be connected to illuminati)
  5. Corporations
  6. War (Yes, the illuminati is behind all and every war past, present, and future. For example: this North Korea Nuclear War business. The illuminati does also in fact have members in North Korea, secretly placed bunkers are also present in the country. The reason why North Korea isn’t using nukes yet is because the members of the illuminati in North Korea needs to get ready before it happens. But first, North Korea must use their EMP bomb (idk what it is) and drop it on us so we are defenseless against the nuke attack)
  7. KKK
  8. Tranformation (yes, the illuminati’s members (probably) has the secret power to shapeshift in to anything. For example: a cat.)
  9. Invisibility
  10. Governments
  11. Police
  12. Military (no wonder the goverment/illuminati is send our loved ones to fight their wars, they don’t give a shit about us or anyone else. They could care less if our beloved passed away or a black man was beaten to death by a state patrol officer. They’re stuck up in greed while they watch others die. I’d rather be doing something else than be drafted in the army without my consent. Ever hear the song: ‘Oh, praise the lord to pass the ammunition’?
  13. Courts
  14. Intelligence agencies
  15. Banks/Tax/Revenues/investments
  16. Post Offices
  17. 9/11 attack (you know why the Police Department’s number is 9-1-1? They’re basically giving away the government/illuminati DID IN FACT Plot 9/11 before it even began!
  18. Death (yes, they are responsible for loss of life and what I’m going to say might sound crazy but I know what I’m talking about, but all of every politicians’s deaths are in fact staged. Every politician (example: Abraham Lincoln) in this world we live in are in fact the illuminati. And their ”death” is just a gateway back to their secret home)
  19. Disease
  20. Hate (this one’s obvious)
  21. Cancer (for years we haven’t found a cure. No such luck, but one thing is for certain: The illuminati has one)
  22. Dreams (yes, even illuminati is creeping in your dreams!)
  23. Your conscious (Like I said, I know what I’m talking about. The illuminati is in fact part of your everyday thinking and acting. They are controlling you, brainwashing you. Why do you think there is fake news? To make you believe what the illuminati wants you to believe. Why all this death? For years we blamed it on cancer, guns, disease, age. How about we start thinking if all of it is tied to illuminati? It’s all part of their “New World Order”: to get you to believe what they want you to believe)
  24. The universe (believe it or not the truth is stranger than fiction. The illuminati has control of gravity, space, the movement of the sun/moon and planets, weather change (this explains the global warming), the plants, trees, the sky, stars and clouds in the world, they’re even capable of time travel (de ja vu, anyone? Basically this little world we live today in has always been a sick simulation.
  25. The bible (face it sheeple, the bible is just a bunch of foreign words scrawled into paragraphs and talks about a fictional character named“God” and “Satan”. This is a way for illuminati to get you to believe that all the tragedies, all of what the universe is and how it works is because of some fictional character in a book titled “Holy Bible”. WAKE UP! there’s no god and has never been. It’s all just a way to keep the heat off of these liar’s little secret society. But wait… maybe they aren’t liars at all. Maybe we should ask ourselves if god is illuminati themselves? That makes a little bit more sense, eh? How about the old saying: you shall not eat the fruit of knowledge? Satan is good.)
  26. History (all history has to do with illuminati, no matter what it is. I wonder how we got to know what an atom looks like? We have no such technology. Oh it must of been our helpers underground. How did we send a man on the moon? NASA? “Oh, don’t worry NASA we’ll clean up your mistakes by showing the sheeple a faked moon landing. Then we’ll get you to be famous.” Today we live in a world where it’s just utterly chaos. Fall of Rome, anybody?
  27. 666

Many other things I could point out but unfortunately I couldn’t. so just keep all this in mind for all your days to come.

Still need more proof?

  • A bunch of celebs like name have the letter “e”, and what happens if you say the syllabus of the word illuminati?

Illumi – nat -I! It’s all a cover-up!

  • They are seen as leaders, and what did you do as you were a kid? You’ve already began to serve them! What is the one thing you’re forced to do? Go to school, and when you’re in school, who are you supposed to obey: your teacher. And what are teachers associated with? An apple! So what does that prove? Because Apple is the biggest company in the world. Why do you think iPhone has an “i” in front of the word phone??
  • You might be wondering where Illuminati is located at? Hold your breath because this is going to be quite… illuminating (ok sorry for the pun)!:

Illuminati is associated with triangles, so let’s start with the pyramids. You’re taught that pyramids are in “E”gypt! What is another pyramid you learn about? The food pyramid. Ok, ya see how this is all coming together? I hope so! If you look above Egypt on a world map, you see Turkey! Which is up and to the right, and that’s exactly where you’d see where turkey on a food pyramid. And Idk if you noticed but… isn’t Saudi Arabia kinda shaped exactly like the meat they draw in cartoons? Even though it’s raw the Red Sea is the juice dripping down! (Wow this a lot holy hell!!?!?!?!?!) If you connect all three points, you have yourself a triangle. But what does the illuminati also do? They “see”: Syria is said as See-ria,

the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea if all are connected what do we get? A second triangle… an upside down pyramid. The triangle of the eye!!!!!!! (o_o)

And what happens if you put the two triangles together? A TWO TRIANGLE STAR. And what country lies in the middle?

Israel! And what does their National flag look like? A two triangle star…

So… are they real!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

The illuminati…


Illuminati’ Symbolism

Eye-of-providence is a powerfully meaningful symbol. The interesting thing about it is that every person interprets it differently. This is the original meaning of the eye of providence. You can choose it to show that all your actions are watched by the omnipresent eye of the Supreme Being. Depending on your beliefs, it can be either a Christian God or another singular divine entity or power.

For better clarity, I would really you to go and read some ancient history and about jews and nazis for better understanding.

Credits, Many Sources & Quora

– Manimozhi Ilango

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