SECRET SOCIETIES : The Powerful Influences Behind The Shadow Of POWER of The World

Honestly, until I found some authentic sources for the existence of Secret Societies I was really skeptical about such things if they really exist ? But most assuredly so. It is no more a fantasy. Movies, books, inscriptions, are their main cryptic messengers and communicators, through which they always communicate their messages of their future agendas to commoners. Although termed as ‘secret’, many societies or cults did not hide their existence. In fact, several cult leaders enjoyed the attention showered upon them. Yet, we know very little about their rituals and beliefs. And the details that come out eventually are sometimes beyond belief. What really happens behind the closed doors?.. For ex, More Hollywood movies like Avatar, In India, PS1,PS2, Adhipurush, even the forthcoming ‘Project K‘ Movie, not much was known about this film except that it is a highly big budget spectacle never seen before in Indian cinema. Now, a new report has revealed some unkn8own details about the plot of the film. According to some hidden source, Project K is set in a futuristic world & deals with the aftermath of World War 3. Project K revolves around the timeline of World War 3. So it is depicting our future literally.

Ancient Secrets

Some ancient civilizations had inexplicably and mysteriously advanced knowledge of science, agriculture, and astronomy. The myths, cosmology, and secret societies of these long-ago cultures may hold the answers of the most advanced technologies of many things. Few among those are some architecture that aligns with certain stars, far-flung cultures with startling similarities, and the ancient astronaut theory. The potential literal truth and accuracy of Plato’s Atlantis and Homer’s The Iliad and The Odyssey are also examined.

What Is Secret Societiey?

There are many Secret Societies in the world throughout history. Secret societies have existed since the rise of the first great civilisations, ranging from religious cults to political associations to college fraternities. There are various traditional, ethnographic, revolutionary societies, cults, associations, lodges, and clubs in cultures around the world. Including philosophers, artists, presidents, and even astronauts among their ranks, members typically conducted their business in private, hiding their activities and sometimes their identities from the public. Secret societies have been a part and parcel of advanced civilizations throughout the ages and can be attributed to their descriptor itself – they are, after all, supposed to be ‘secret’. There were multiple secret societies that existed, and apparently they are the ones who have actually been running the world behind the shadows of the POWER, away from the commoners’ gaze. Some use secret handshakes and symbols, while others wore coded clothing or jewellery. They have toppled rulers and reshaped nations; influenced writers and artists in their era; And they’re still around. When it comes to history throughout the ages, it’s safe to say that we know way less than we don’t. There are some areas that were designed as such, that prohibited commoners from getting to know about them. At present Illuminati’s liberal theories are predominant in the world and also some cult ideologies are running as an opposition societies as well. Cult ideology believed that all powerful knowledge – local and foreign – need be secret. Male appropriation of religious ritual, access to the supernatural, technology, medicine, sacred texts, history, and other valued information cemented their authority over the ignorant. Furthermore, women, children, and others in subordinate political positions sometimes can be forced to reveal what they know, or otherwise denied rights to secrecy. Rights to keep secrets are as consequential as the right to reveal information.

Cults & Occults: Cult is mostly associated with religions and religious beliefs whereas occult is a kind of practice that is believed to be supernatural. In almost all the communities, there can be cultic groups and in these groups they may have occult practices. In both cases, the associated group deals with a certain set of attitudes that characterize their life patterns. Usually, their lifestyles differ from the others. Cult is a group of people who has a kind of belief system that is different from the socially accepted religious beliefs, cults do not accord with the socially established belief system. That is the reason why they are seen as misguiding agents. Occult is a connection with the supernatural or magic powers and science or reason cannot explain these things. Either a group of people or a single individual may practice occult, and they use mysterious power elements which cannot be understood by ordinary people. Those who practice witchcraft may try to enchant, kill or harm people and also they can use the power for the welfare as well. Fortune tellingtalking with deadwitchcraft are some examples for occult practices. Crystal balls, horoscopes, star signs, etc. are some of the tools that most occultist use. However, occult always deals with supernatural or demon powers.

Liberal theories of Illuminati’s democratic process and of the capitalist marketplace have been suspicious of secrecy as they are of cabals and monopolies. Similarly, classic psychological models of personality and family dynamics have deprecated secrets and promoted personal revelation and storytelling as a form of healing. One should reveal hidden personal truth in order to ‘shed light on the dark folds, to open the doors to the closets of secrecy, to engage the power of story as a way to penetrate – and perhaps lift ourselves out of – the darkness. Just as persons and families cleansed of dark secrets are presumed to be healthier, so does democracy requires an informed citizenry. The capitalist marketplace, too, is supposed to depend on the free flow of economic information among buyers and sellers. From this perspective, secrecy generally goes against the public good. Secret societies have frequently aroused public suspicion about their operations and goals, suspicion that has frequently led to legal and sometimes violent suppression of suspect groups. Those left in the dark have often been outraged by and mistrustful of secret organizations. For about a century and a half large numbers of intelligent Europeans believed that much of what was happening in the world around them only happened because secret societies planned it so. What exactly were/are they doing in the shadows? What’s behind their mysterious rituals? Here are the (real) stories behind some of the most secretive societies throughout history. Some are still operating throughout the world, While most of these are incredibly dangerous, and illegal to be a part of, one actually holds the key to everything in this world. Read on to know more about few known secret societies and their protocols.

Some Dominant Secret Societies

Illuminati : The most infamously famous and predominant society. Along with such names as Templars, Cathars, or Freemasons, the Illuminati has long been an established secret society. It is one of the most widely known orders in popular culture. Made popular by Dan Brown‘s famous novel, The Da Vinci Code, this is perhaps the most popular cult of modern society. The Illuminati, which in Latin means the enlightened, refers to various organisations that claim to have links to the Bavarian Illuminati. While it was not legally allowed to operate, many influential intellectuals and progressive politicians counted themselves as members. Even though there were some known Freemasons in the membership, it was not considered to be endorsed by Masonry. The fact that the Illuminati did not require a belief in a supreme being made them particularly popular amongst atheists. This, and the fact that most members were humanists, is the reason for the widespread belief that the Illuminati wants to overthrow organized religion. It is often alleged to conspire and control world affairs by masterminding events and planting agents in government and corporations to establish a New World Order and gain further political power and influence. The group has been depicted as working in the shadows with references being spotted in novels, movies, television shows, comics, video games, and music videos. Modern conspiracy theorists believe that the Illuminati are the ones who have been pulling the strings of the modern world in most of the world’s major events, including the Battle of Waterloo, the French revolution and President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. The Illuminati followed a supreme goal of freeing men and giving them a happy life. But it had some conditions to fulfill. First, people had to change and become good. Weishaupt’s vision was to create a new world order through a universal republic brought about by a world revolution. This revolution would abolish all religions, including Christianity. Under this new world order, all governments would be obliterated, and all social, religious, and moral constraints would be removed. Human beings would be freed of all religious superstition, all living in a world of absolute equality and social fraternity with the masses embracing no religion but atheism. The economy would operate under a ‘communism of goods’ structure ruled by the compassionate, enlightened elite.(Communism, political and economic doctrine that aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production (e.g., mines, mills, and factories) and the natural resources of a society by creating a classless society in which everyone shares the benefits of labor and the state controls all property and wealth) According to Weishaupt, these superiors were flawless, and no one was allowed to doubt them.

Freemasons : The Freemasons are one of the oldest and most well-known societies in the world. The have been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories throughout the years. Freemasonry evolved from the guilds of stonemasons and cathedral builders of the Middle Ages. Famous members of the society included Mozart, George Washington, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill and Franklin D Roosevelt.

The Order of Skull and Bones : Founded in 1832 by a community of students from Yale University, this group is famous for being a part of a number of conspiracy theories, the most popular perhaps being that founders of the CIA were members of this group. Infamous for hiding the deep dark secrets of sick practices members take part in, some say weird sexual acts are also a common sight at the ‘Order Of Skull And Bones’. As a part of their initiation ceremony, new members are asked to lie naked in coffins before telling others about their deepest and darkest sexual secrets.

The Adolf Hitler And The German Thule Society : People who have studied about the Thule society say that it was the real inspiration of Nazism. After all, a number of Nazi leaders were a part of the Thule. Founded in August 1919 in Munich, even Adolf Hitler was associated with the society as a ‘visiting brother’. Thule apparently believed in bringing upon the New World Order in a rather simple and effective way -killing people and reducing the population. Apart from practising sexual magic, racist chants, and black magic, Thule members were often known to take part in ‘supernatural’ exhibitions where they would invite demons and ask for their guidance. It was a demonic ritual.

The Knights Templar : The Knights Templar (full name: The United Religious, Military and Masonic Orders of the Temple and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta) is a modern off-shoot of Masonry and does not have a direct tie to the original Knights Templar – a religious military group formed in the 12th century. Members of the Masonic Knights Templar do not claim a direct connection to the medieval group, but merely a borrowing of ideas and symbols. In order to become a member of this group, you must already be a ChristianMaster Mason. This organization is a distinct one, and is not just a higher degree of Masonry. Despite Freemasonry’s general disclaimer that no one Masonic organization claims a direct heritage to the medieval Knights Templar, certain degrees and orders are obviously patterned after the medieval Order.

The Bilderberg Group : Established in 1954, The Bilderberg Group or The Bilderberg Club is a secret society comprising the world’s elite. It is an annual private conference of 120-150 of the most influential people from the world of business, finance, academics, media, and even some presidents and prime ministers. It is believed that the main purpose of this private party of the creme-de-la-creme of the world is “to create an aristocracy of purpose”, mainly in United States and Europe. The original meeting was initiated by several people. Polish emigre and political adviser, Joseph Retinger, concerned about the growth of anti-Americanism in Western Europe, proposed an international conference at which leaders from European countries and the United States would be brought together with the aim of promoting understanding between the cultures of The United States of America and Western Europe. Just being rich doesn’t get you a spot in this party though. Meetings are organised by a steering committee with two members from each of approximately 18 nations. (US radio host Alex Jones claims Google launched the Arab Spring at one gathering.) The A-list of corporate America and Europe meet regularly, triggering conspiracy theories that the world’s wealthiest are bypassing governments to enrich themselves. Politicians are also invited – Britain’s Margaret Thatcher and Bill Clinton have attended. Goldman Sachs International chair José Manuel Barroso was on the guest list in 2019 along with former Bank of England governor Mark Carney. What did they discuss? Cyberthreats, China, Russia, the ethics of artificial intelligence and the weaponization of social media. And no… your invitation was not lost in the post. Due to the lack of accessibility and transparency of these meets, the Bilderberg Group has also been accused of a number of conspiracy theories around the world, including the Great Depression and most of the world’s biggest terrorist activities. The air of mystery that surrounds the group, and their unwillingness to come clean with the things discussed puts them in the list of the most dangerous secret societies of the world.

Rosicrucians : The Rosicrucian order is generally believed to have been the idea of a group of German protestants in the 1600s when a series of three documents were published: Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis, Confessio Fraternitatis, and The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz anno 1459. The documents were so widely read and influential, that the historian Frances Yeats refers to the 17th century as the Rosicrucian Enlightenment. The first document tells the story of a mysterious alchemist (Christian Rosenkreuz) who travelled to various parts of the world gathering secret knowledge. The second document tells of a secret brotherhood of alchemists who were preparing to change the political and intellectual face of Europe. The third document describes the invitation of Christian Rosenkreuz to attend and assist at the “Chemical”wedding of a King and Queen in a castle of Miracles. Rosicrucian teachings are a combination of occultism and other practices including Hermeticism, Jewish mysticism, and Christian gnosticism. There are several branches, including the international Rosicrucian Order. Current members of the Rosicrucian Order claim that its origins are far more ancient than these documents. The authors of the documents seemed to strongly favor Lutheranism and include condemnations of the Catholic Church. Rosicrucianism probably had an influence on Masonry and, in fact, the 18th degree of Scottish Rite Masonry is called the Knight of the Rose Croix (red cross). There are a large number of Rosicrucian groups today – each claiming to be closely tied to the original. Of the two main divisions, one is a mix of Christianity with Rosicrucian principles, and the other is semi-Masonic. The Masonic type tend to also have degrees of membership.

The Order of Nine Angels : Established in the 60s, but getting its public recognition in the 90s, The Order of Nine Angles is a satanic cult group based out of the United Kingdom. They claim to be the followers of Satanism and came to the attention of people thanks to their Neo-Nazi ideologies and activism. The members see it as a very individual pursuit of excellence by studying what Satan has to offer. ONA’s writings believes in human sacrifice as a way to eliminate weaknesses and claim that the evil tribes are an important part of the strategy of the devil to carry out the mission to disrupt and ultimately conquer the common people. According to a recent survey, the ONA has more female supporters than either the Church of Satan or the Temple of Set; more women with children, more older supporters, more supporters who come from a better socio-economic background.

Assassins : Assassin, or Hashashin, is considered to be one of the most fearful of all the secret societies in the world. They are known for striking down their targets regardless of the number of security personnel that guard them. Between 1090 and 1256, there were eight grand masters who ruled the society of Assassins. In 1256 and 1258, the Mongols virtually destroyed the sect in Iran and in Syria. Although the Assassins scattered throughout the East and into Europe, in 1272, the Mamluk Sultan Baybars brought about their downfall as an organised sect. Most of them were simple farmers during the day, but became fearless assassins by the night.

Ku Klux Klan : The American cult Ku Klux Klan, or KKK, or The Klan, is the name of three distinct past and present right-wing cult movements in the United States. The KKK advocates extremist reactions to topics like white supremacy, white nationalism and anti-immigration. Whoever’s opposed them in the past have been dealt with through terrorism aimed at certain groups and individuals. The first movement was held from 1865–1870s. The second and the most popular one, from 1915-1944, and the third and the current one from 1946 till now. Today, many sources classify the Klan as a “subversive or terrorist organization”, and it has since been reduced from 3-6 million members to just 5-8 thousand across the state.

The Priory of Sion : After the publication of the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, a great deal of interest in the Priory of Sion has been created. Unfortunately for those hoping to find and join the Priory, it is, in fact, fictional. It was a hoax created in 1956 by a pretender to the French Throne, Pierre Plantard. Letters in existence dating from the 1960s written by Plantard, de Cherisey and de Sède to each other confirm that the three were engaging in an out-and-out confidence trick, describing schemes on how to combat criticisms of their various allegations and how they would make up new allegations to try to keep the whole thing going. Despite this, many people still continue tobelieve that the Priory exists and functions to this day. The authors of the well known book, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, misled by the hoax, stated: 1. The Priory of Sion has a long history starting in AD 1099, and had illustrious Grand Masters including Isaac Newton and Leonardo da Vinci. 2. The order protects certain royal claimants because they believe them to be the literal descendants of Jesus and his alleged wife Mary Magdalene or, at the very least, of king David. 3. The priory seeks the founding of a “Holy European Empire” that would become the next hyperpower and usher in a new world order of peace and prosperity.

Disclaimer : All the sources are collected from internet. The author is not responsible for the content.

Courtesy, Many Sources

– Manimozhi Ilango

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