Why Elites Want To Modify Our DNA?

From my study of many sources and perception, OUR DNA IS THE SPIRITUAL CODE THAT PROGRAMS OUR PHYSICAL

If you want to change anything in the physical body, it must first be changed in the spiritual means.

Your DNA is the spiritual code that commands the physical. We have a 12 Stranded DNA spiral, but only 2 strands are activated. The rest is called Junk DNA, in this Junk DNA are your coded pyschic and supernatural abilities.

Elite forces have been after your DNA since the beginning of time because if you can program the DNA, you can control anything. Every food that you eat modifies your DNA, some unlock your DNA, some further shuts off your DNA.

Every thought you have also activates or deactivates your DNA. Positve thoughts of Love, Abundance, Prosperity, Wealth, and Health activate your DNA. Negative thoughts of Fear, Scarcity, Lack, Anger, and Depression deactivate your DNA. Once your DNA is fully activated, you achieve SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS.

All of your dormant spiritual abilities become Unlocked, The WORLD IS LITERALLY YOURS. You can bend the material world to your desires instantenously. This is the reason your DNA has been supressed. You have been programmed to BE A HIGHER SPIRITED being IN THE FLESH by THE MOST HIGH But The Elite who run society wants slave-like humans instead.

Society doesn’t benefit from having everyone activated in their HIGHER SPIRITED STATE. So they modify your DNA with GMO-Food (Genitically Modified Organism), Vaccination, Low Vibrational Music, Toxic Chemicals, and Television Programming which breeds Fear. They further inject you with chemicals that permanently shuts off certain codes in your DNA.

This limits you from ever breaking free of the illusionary matrix of the physical world. The physical has no choice but to act on the spiritual code of the DNA.

– Manimozhi Ilango

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