Hidden Wisdom Of Our Mind

Without a doubt, there is a spiritual force that exists in everything, and connects everything and this force is a part of your life. The Secret behind Transforming your Life lies within you.

Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become our reality.

People live life unaware of the Abundance Treasure they already possess, yet lies hidden inside of them.  You can communicate to this spiritual force. You are playing a big role in creating everything that you have experienced. By being aware of this power, you be on a journey to Uncovering the Hidden Wealth that already exist within you.

Most Spiritual Attraction process occurs on a deep unconscious level which is the subconscious. This subconscious influences 90% of our lives. Success starts in your subconscious mind…and in the limiting beliefs that have lived there…for years…maybe even decades. Acquiring success doesn’t happen…until you change how your mind is programmed. Remember “Nothing will change in your life, until you open your mind, to something new, that can transform your life sooner than later.”

Good news is that you can take control of your subconscious. The Real Power of spiritual attraction occurs on a deeper and hidden levels within you that Transforms life, Wealth and Spiritual Growth. Because it happens within the vibrational mind. Your (vibrational) mind is connected to everything you want. The universe awards those keep believing and keep dreaming. This is why you must never give up on your dreams. This is why you must always listen to that little voice that speaks the truth from your heart calling you to a better life. 

But here is the little known secret to having everything you want. The universe only awards people who are aligned with their goals and dreams. It means, If you want to drink hot water, you have to take the vessel pour some water in it and set the stove to the boiling temperature. Similarly, when we deeply and in a stronger level (like we are passionate about something in a deeper level) set our goals and dreams to higher frequency like setting stove’s temperature then our energy and the energy of universe both will be in alignment and it will give you abundant power to use it towards your dreams like we keep the vessel with water to use the heat enery that stove produces and when we are fully energized that will lead us towards fulfilling our dreams and eventually success and wealth will be ours.

Thus, Dreaming and wishing are only part of the magic to the universe giving you everything you have been hoping for. You must also align your mind, heart and soul in a strong sense to what you want most. That’s when the universe will hear you and send your blessings.

– Manimozhi Ilango🌹

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