FEAR Based Decision vs INTUITION Based Decision


“If it looks right but feels wrong it’s FEAR.
If it looks wrong but feels right it’s INTUITION.”

There are many branching in the road of spiritual development, and deciding which way to go can be difficult. They are frequently presented with sharply contrasting options: one that seems correct but causes discomfort, and another that seems incorrect but actually makes them feel quite at ease and comfort.

The internal struggle between rational thought and gut instinct is at the central point of the problem. On the one hand, we have fear, which frequently misrepresents itself as appropriate circumstances and guides us down what appear to be ideal routes. A good illustration of this is opting for the more conventional or’safe’ option, such as a well-paying job that sounds great on paper but which you dread going to every morning.

On the other hand, we have intuition, which acts as our inner compass and gently shakes us off in seemingly unreasonable unlogical directions, toward choices that may not look appealing to the outer eye but offer deep inner peace and happiness. A highly compensated corporate executive may be following his gut and leaving his safe job to found an NGO because the cause is near and dear to his heart.

Since everyone’s path to enlightenment is different, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this dilemma. Recognizing and comprehending this quality of being difficult to detect relationship between fear and intuition, however, becomes crucial as part of one’s spiritual development.

Fear binds us, making us stick to what we know works and preventing us from exploring our true passions and personalities. It gives the right a pleasing appearance while making it feel less so than it actually is. On the other hand, following our intuition motivates us to expand our horizons, try new things, break free of societal constraints, and listen to our inner selves, all of which contribute to our personal development.

Unlearning the fear-based conditioning we’ve been taught is central to spiritual development because it frees us to rely on our innate wisdom. Therefore, when we are presented with a decision that seems wrong but feels right, it is our intuition pushing us forward toward development, expansion, and transformation. 🙂

– Manimozhi Ilango🌹

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