HUMAN SPECIES, The Most Manipulated Being.

Human Species, The manipulated Being.

For hundreds of years, maybe thousands, man has lived with his SUB-CONSCIOUS mind. In his manipulated, programmed biological computer. Programmed from birth, at school, in society, in church and by his political believes. TV, the media and marketing, only believing what he is being told. He buys things, gadgets and identifies himself with possesions. The ego, the false self, that is not his true face !

He is destroying his own home and he doesn’t give a damn, cause he`s got enough money, he can buy, buy and buy his illusion of happiness. In a state of confusion, in a state of destructiveness, governed and motivated by the ego, he will go to war for the want of more.. for his greed.. for his pride.. Caused by his lust for money and power, or just through his fears. His ego has seperated him from the “web of life”and now he stands alone. What he does not understand, he will fear. What he fears, he will kill.

Due to belief systems and an ideology, for Queen, King or Country. Mankind has committed and excepted. Slavery, torture, murder and unrest, at home and around the Globe.
His intelligence used unwisely is no more than stupidity !

Many a Philosopher gone by, many Prophets alike,
have described mans condition, mans SUB-CONSCIOUS condition. As disfunctional, mad or a mental disorder,
because natural disasters haven’t killed as many people, as mankind has each other in their wars, revolutions and ethnic cleanings. It is programmed as the “norm”, to allow the wars that give him more. He doesn’t see, just looks away, excepts the wars all around him, it is the “norm”.

Be in control of your thoughts and stay in the present. Do not let your mind wonder off with the clouds. The present moment is beautiful, peaceful calm and real, and your thoughts in the “now”will become your new reality, your new world. For you are the “Truth”, go be what you want, go do what you feel from the Heart. If all that you do is on the bases of LOVE.

So empty your mind, rid yourself of those thoughts,
it is time to awaken, it is time of awareness, now is the moment. Forget the past and tomorrow will come all on its own, in due time. Be aware of the moment, the CONSCIOUS mind. Question what you do not understand, stop what you do not like. Know yourself and not the borders of your Beliefs. You are a “Human Being” not a Human Doing.
Listen, see, smell and feel the life that has always been there,
but your thoughts were of yesterday or maybe tomorrow.

Now with your ego deminished and your soul set Free.
Your CONSCIOUS mind is your new found Life. Our COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS, our new found world. Then, only then, can this paradise on Earth be enjoyed by all. So re-program your Biological computer, with data from the heart.

– Manimozhi Ilango🌹

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